gender diverse people trans queer lgbt lgbtq lgbtqia portrait photographic marlo w foreground book identity representation
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Marlo W
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May 29, 2024
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Foreground: A Photographic Celebration of Older Trans and Gender Diverse People

The photo series Foreground: Portraits of Older Transgender and Gender Diverse People by Marlo W. highlight a group of individuals who are often overlooked in media and society. Through intimate portraits and interviews, this series brings visibility to the thoughts, passions, interests, hopes, struggles, and regrets of older transgender and gender-diverse (TGD) individuals.

The lack of representation of older TGD people in the media renders their lives and experiences largely invisible, leaving their stories untold. This absence of visibility can make it difficult for younger transgender people to see themselves reflected in society and feel a sense of belonging. Foreground addresses this gap by showcasing the lives and stories of older TGD individuals, providing a platform for their voices and experiences.

Finding participants for this project was a lengthy process, relying on community centres, online networks, and organisations to connect with older TGD individuals willing to share their stories. The series represents only a small portion of the many TGD people living and gone and is not meant to be a comprehensive portrayal of the myriad ways older TGD people live.

Foreground is a celebration of a group of people who have long been marginalized and portrayed negatively by society and mainstream media. The project aims to demystify transgender people to the broader community, fostering mutual understanding, guidance, and respect across generations.

Marlo W.’s book, Foreground: Portraits of Older Transgender and Gender Diverse People, edited by Lia Dewey Morgan and designed by Amy Yu, is now available for preorder on their website. The book consists of portraits and interviews with 18 participants, and there is a plan to donate copies to LGBTQIASB+ organizations, programs, and libraries located in homes for the aging.

The Foreground exhibition and book are a celebration of the stories and lives of older trans and gender-diverse people, fostering a greater understanding and respect across generations.


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