mode suisse 2023 danz doing fashion basi ADAPT Anastasia bull
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Dany Niederhauser
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September 5, 2023
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Mode Suisse 23: Where Fashion Meets Sustainability

The evening kicked off with a bang courtesy of DOING FASHION Basel's rebellious students. Picture this: a scissor-wielding garment stealing the limelight, serving Katy Perry "left shark" realness with an extra dash of kinky lesbian vibes.

These emerging talents, including Albertine Milani, Charlotte Christen, and others, are flipping the fashion script. They're here for rewriting the fashion rules. Sustainability? Check. Avant-garde designs? Double check. Their rebellious energy on the runway is turning heads, challenging the fashion establishment's notions of beauty and style. We are more than ready for their fashion revolution, where creativity reigns supreme and inclusivity is the name of the game. The future of fashion just got a lot more fab...

It was just before new label DANZ hits the catwalk in 8-inch heels to the beat of Lil Mariko's "BORING", unveiling their collection titled « if you don't let us dream, we won't let you sleep" which transported us to the realms of futuristic punk. But DANZ is much more than fashion; it is a sustainable and multidisciplinary Swiss fashion and textile studio. Their specialty lies in creating vibrant hand-printed fabrics that defy convention.

The first series of shows also featured collections from KAZU, who reworked kimonos for the "KIMONO Kyoto to Catwalk" exhibition at the Rietberg Museum. Sewing machines BERNINA brand teams up with upcycling designer Rafael Kouto, a familiar name in Mode Suisse circles. Together, they unveiled the sustainable collection "A drop of sunshine," adding an eco-conscious touch to the runway. We discovered also SARAH BOUNAB, a slow fashion brand. Their designs offer a modern vision of luxury and elegance, suitable for every occasion. The garments fuse futuristic elements with neo-disco aesthetics, drawing inspiration from the hedonistic Studio 54 era.

The night continued with the second part of the shows, featuring the highly anticipated project "ADAPT" by SPF. Everyone deserves stylish clothes, including those in wheelchairs, and the Swiss Paraplegic Foundation is making it happen. Yannick Aellen, the founder and director of Mode Suisse, expressed his enthusiasm, saying, "With this project, we can make significant strides in adaptive fashion. There's undoubtedly great potential." 

It was followed by BA SI which epitomized themselves as maximalist, queer, feminist, and anti-conformist fashion, graced Mode Suisse with their unapologetically colorful collection titled 'THE CHAMELEON AND THE COCKROACH.' The Basel-based designer ANASTASIA BULL was also here to flaunt their technical prowess with their collection "Where The Sirens Meet For Tea," leaving us gagging for more... The HEAD fashion school was represented this year by the performance of artist Gabrielle Huguenot, who charmed the jury last year. Bewitched by LADY SNAKE, she dared to take many risks with her Master collection. Among their fellow alumni, Eugenia Petersen and Xavier Petersen showed their Master collection. 

The evening concluded on a gentle note, as soft and pastel tones graced the runway, showcasing the assertive collection by MOURJJAN. This talented designer not only impressed with their fashion but also won the Miele x Mode Suisse Award for Positive Impact 2023. They have initiated the Mourjjan4Children (M4C) program, a groundbreaking creative education initiative that provides vital support to at-risk children who have endured early life traumas.

Images courtesy of Alexander Palacios

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