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Dany Niederhauser
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February 14, 2024
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Why is Patriarchy Afraid of Polyamory?

By destroying the pattern of classic romanticism resulting from patriarchy, we explore different forms of love where, in the era of individualism, we are self-sufficient, no longer waiting for a half to complete. Multilateral relationships, where you offer what you can offer to whoever wants to receive it. Let's enter the era of polyamory where cis-men who are no longer at the center are seriously freaked out.

Polyamory represents a revolution in traditional relationship patterns that offers an alternative to established norms. Society has long been shaped by the model of heteronormative marriage that structures emotional bonds and controls reproduction. They keep individuals in a position of financial and emotional dependence. In this system, women were often tied to their role within the family and relationship. Because patriarchy has traditionally promoted monogamy as the norm, it has led individuals to view other relationship models as unconventional or even morally wrong.

On the other hand, polyamory challenges these conventional patterns by promoting the idea of simultaneous, consensual, and ethical romantic and/or sexual relationships with multiple partners, thereby disrupting the exclusivity characteristic of traditional monogamous relationships. This relationship approach aligns with feminist values by emphasizing autonomy, consent, and equality between all partners. By embracing polyamory, individuals, particularly women and queer people, free themselves from oppressive expectations that confine them to one particular role within their relationships. They reject the idea that one person must meet all their needs, recognizing instead that love and support can come from multiple sources.

This realization is profoundly liberating because the pressure to find or maintain a conventional relationship to flourish no longer exists. Polyamory promotes larger, more diverse support relationships, suggesting that care, love, and support can be shared and distributed within a community, rather than being limited to an exclusive relationship. This perspective opens the way to alternative forms of cohabitation and mutual support. It offers different models of family and community.

By cultivating multiple relationships, individuals learn to find comfort and support within themselves and their communities, rather than relying exclusively on a single partner. This emotional autonomy is an act of resistance to established structures that place the individual in a position of dependence. By promoting autonomy, equality and diversity in romantic relationships, polyamory opens the way to new forms of connection where love and support are freely distributed. It's a bold vision of what relationships can be.

If this relationship pattern interests you, remember that polyamory must be agreed to by all partners involved. Let's remain honest, sincere and open. Love is love until it’s consensual. Happy Valentine’s day !

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